Our client is a traditional financial services company. They see using mobile app to acquire more new users through internet as a new way out to grow business during the pandemic. Hence they adopt a membership app with market news & exchange rate to keep close contact with existing or new users.


– No interactive or online channel to acquire new clients
– No membership system to maintain loyalty & stickiness
– Business mainly rely on existing customer or walk-in through physical
– All financial services are moving online – need to follow the trend


Customized membership app
– Informative app with financial market news, articles & latest exchange rate
– Allow search of keywords for articles of hot topics
– Allow leaving comments, likes & save articles to member’s own collections
– Allow follow other members & see own fan numbers to create community

Admin panel
– Integrated with API which can auto display latest news & article on app
– Integrated with API which can auto display latest stock market info by currencies
– Allow pinning selected article on top of sections & set article publish time
– Enable setting of ads to be displayed among articles
– View of comments to get insight from public conversations


– Increased online exposure & new member database for further promotion
– Increased extra income through placing ads in the app
– Minimized manpower to manage app content with auto article feeds by API
– Flexibility in selecting articles to publish with preset ad pop-up frequency